According to the Municipality, about 90% of Beit Jala city population is educated on the level of secondary education. However, and according to the PCBS there is about 2.9% of illiteracy in Beit Jala city.
About 50% of illiteracy is among women while on the different stages of education, males are 50% more educated than females.
There are 3 public schools, 6 private schools and one UNRWA school as follows (10 total):
- Girls Public Schools: Beit Jala Girls High School (Chile
- Girls Private Schools: Ar Ra’ei as Salih Swedish School
- Boys Public & UNRWA Schools:
- Wadi’ Di’mes Boys Elementary School
- Iskandar al Khoury Boys High School
- Beit Jala Boys Elementary School – UNRWA)
- Mixed Private Schools:
- Talitha Kumi High School
- Latin Patriarch High School
- Al Quds American School
- Al Amal High School
- St. Ephram Syriac School)
There are also 6 Kindergartens in Beit Jala City:
- Charity-based: (Al Imam Ahmad Ben Hanbal Kindergarten)
- Private based:
- Cremisan Nunnery Kindergarten
- Talitha Kumi Kindergarten
- St. Ephram Syriac Kindergarten
- The Greek Orthodox Monastery Kindergarten
- Beit al Liqa’ Kindergarten)
There is one university in Beit Jala city: Al Quds Open University
There are two community colleges; Talitha Kumi Community College for the education of hospitality, and Bethlehem Bible College. There is also the theology Institute which is known as the Seminar. Beit Jala city also has a Governmental vocational training center and the Bethlehem Music Academy.